臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.10(1)

特集名 透析患者における運動・リハビリ療法
題名 [総論]透析患者における運動療法の重要性
発刊年月 2011年 09月
著者 上月 正博 東北大学大学院医学系研究科障害科学専攻機能医科学講座内部障害学分野
【 要旨 】 透析患者では,腎性貧血,尿毒症性低栄養,骨格筋減少,筋力低下,骨格筋機能異常,運動耐容能の低下,易疲労感,活動量減少,QOL低下などが認められる.腎臓リハビリテーションは,透析患者などの腎臓疾患患者に対して,運動療法,教育,食事療法,精神的ケアなどを行う新たなリハビリ領域である.リハビリの主要な構成要素である運動療法は,MIA(malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis)症候群改善,蛋白異化抑制,運動耐容能改善,QOL改善などをもたらす.定期的な運動習慣のある透析患者は,非運動患者と比較して生命予後が良い.2011年1月に腎臓リハビリのいっそうの普及・発展を目的として「日本腎臓リハビリテーション学会」を立ち上げた.
Theme Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation for Dialysis Patients
Title Exercise therapy for dialysis patients
Author Masahiro Kohzuki Department of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis patients experience renal anemia, uremic malnutrition, reduced muscle mass, reduced exercise tolerance, are easily fatigued, have low physical activity levels and low quality of life (QOL). Renal rehabilitation is a new comprehensive rehabilitation program, which includes exercise training, education, medication, diet therapy, psychological and vocational counseling for patients with renal diseases. Exercise can improve many indicators of physical functioning, such as fitness, muscle mass, physical performance, and also improve malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome, catabolism, exercise tolerance and overall QOL for hemodialysis patients. Results from an international study of hemodialysis patients indicate that regular exercise is associated with better outcomes in this population. The Japanese Society of Renal Rehabilitation was established in January, 2011. Participation by the medical community in this society is sincerely welcomed.