臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.9(1)

特集名 透析医療において公的資金・医療保険制度をいかに活用するか
題名 総医療費および透析医療費の現況
発刊年月 2010年 08月
著者 太田 圭洋 名古屋記念財団
【 要旨 】 日本の医療費は,高齢化の進展に従い年々増加している.ただし1980年代に始まった医療費抑制政策により,諸外国と比較し,医療費の対GDP(国内総生産)比は低く抑えられている.しかし昨今,医療費の過度の抑制を一因として,日本の医療供給体制はほころびをみせつつある.透析医療費も透析患者数の増加により,度重なる診療報酬点数の引き下げにもかかわらず増加を続けているが,ここ数年全体の医療費に占める割合は一定になりつつある.今後も厳しい医療財源のため,透析医療も影響を受ける可能性が高い.
Theme How Should We Make Full Use Public Funds and Medical Insurance Systems in Dialysis Therapy
Title National medical expenditure and dialysis medical expenditure in Japan
Author Yoshihiro Ota Nagoya Memorial Foundation
[ Summary ] National medical expenditures (NME) in Japan are expanding yearly because of the rapid aging of the population. Nevertheless, NME accounts for only 8.1 % of GDP which is very small compared to other OECD countries. This is because the Japanese government has made efforts to control increasing NME by implementing several cost cutting measures. However, these cost containment measures have gradually damaged medical services. Total medical expenditures for dialysis patients are also expanding because of increase of the number of patients, though the fee for dialysis treatment has been reduced every two years. However, the increase of the ratio of dialysis medical expenditure to NME seems to stop recently.