臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.8(2-3-2)

特集名 わが国の透析医療の明日をどう拓くか
題名 「透析の質」の維持と向上 (3) 合併症対策 ② 心血管系障害
発刊年月 2010年 07月
著者 赤井 靖宏 奈良県立医科大学卒後臨床研修センター(循環器・腎臓・代謝内科兼務)
【 要旨 】 透析患者死亡原因の約半数を心血管病が占めている.透析患者では非透析患者に比して心血管病発症様式が異なる可能性が指摘されており,その診断には注意が必要である.また,透析患者では血圧や脂質異常症に対する明確な治療指針がない場合が多く,心血管病危険因子管理が不十分である可能性が指摘されている.
Theme How Should We Step up the Future Dialysis Therapy in Japan ?
Title Cardiovascular disease in chronic dialysis patients
Author Yasuhiro Akai Center for Postgraduate Training, Nara Medical University
[ Summary ] Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality in dialysis patients. Dialysis patients with CVD frequently present with somewhat different clinical features than those of non-dialysis patients. Dialysis patients with acute myocardial infarction often present with subtle chest symptoms and without typical ST elevation in their electrocardiograms. Atypical presentation leads to poorer clinical outcomes in dialysis patients with CVD. Diagnosis of CVD in dialysis patients, therefore, should be made with a lower clinical threshold. Clinical evidence of CVD in dialysis patients is often not sufficient and undertreatment for dialysis patients with CVD has been reported. Dialysis patients seems to have relatively specific cardiovascular risk factors, like vascular calcification, chronic inflammation and sleep disorders, and management for these risk factors remains to be elucidated. Dialysis patients with CVD more frequently present with sudden death and, unlike the general population, sudden death in dialysis patients may be due not only to cardiac ischemia but also to cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. Good clinical evidence for CVD in dialysis patients should be established, especially in Japanese dialysis patients.