臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.5(6)

特集名 透析患者の心臓―心臓病による死亡を減らすために
題名 透析患者の不整脈
発刊年月 2010年 05月
著者 小川 哲也 東京女子医科大学第四内科
著者 山下 哲理 東京女子医科大学第四内科
著者 新田 孝作 東京女子医科大学第四内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者では,不整脈出現頻度が高く突然死も多い.これは,他の基礎疾患より心肥大,虚血性心疾患の合併が多く,透析に伴う体液量,電解質,酸塩基平衡の急激な変化に起因すると考えられる.腎不全では,レニン・アンジオテンシン・アルドステロン系,交感神経の亢進,高血圧による心筋細胞の肥大および間質の線維化の出現が不整脈の発症基盤となっており,不整脈の発症基盤を治療するupstream治療も重要である.透析特異的な因子の修正とupstream治療と同時に,各不整脈に応じた抗不整脈薬にて治療することが必要である.
Theme Heart and it's Diseases in Dialysis Patients -- For their better longevity
Title Arrhythmia in hemodialysis patients
Author Tetsuya Ogawa Department of Medicine, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Tetsuri Yamashita Department of Medicine, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Kosaku Nitta Department of Medicine, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] In hemodialysis patients, arrhythmias are common disease condition and sudden death rates are high. This is due to a high prevalence rate for hypertrophy and ischemic heart diseases in these patients, as compared to patients with other underlying diseases. These conditions are due to acute changes in body fluid volume, electrolyte balance and acid-base balance. In renal failure, pathogenesis factors related to arrhythmia, activate renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system and the sympathetic nerve system. Cardiac hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis are due to these factors. Upstream therapies, which could be used to treat these basic pathogenic factors associatied with arrhythmia, have been suggested as opposed to downstream therapies, which may be implemented by using antiarrhythmic drugs. Dosages of some antiarrhythmic drugs should be reduced for patients with kidney metabolism complications but should not be reduced for patients with liver metabolism. It is important to correct for body fluid volume, electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, anemia, and high blood pressure while at the same time, using appropriate antiarrhythmic drugs.