臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.5(1)

特集名 透析患者の心臓―心臓病による死亡を減らすために
題名 慢性腎臓病(CKD)と心不全
発刊年月 2010年 05月
著者 中川 直樹 旭川医科大学内科学講座循環・呼吸・神経病態内科学分野
著者 長谷部 直幸 旭川医科大学内科学講座循環・呼吸・神経病態内科学分野
【 要旨 】 透析患者では高頻度に心血管病を発症することは古くからよく知られていたが,慢性腎臓病(CKD)では心血管病が多く,そのため生命予後が悪いことが再認識されてきている.CKD患者は,高血圧,糖尿病,脂質代謝異常などの古典的危険因子のほか,酸化ストレス亢進,炎症などの非古典的危険因子も有し,虚血性心疾患,左室肥大による拡張能障害,圧・容量負荷,貧血などの複合的な因子により心不全をきたす.このように,心臓と腎臓,さらに貧血は,「心・腎・貧血症候群」という概念として提唱されているように,相互に危険因子として関連し悪循環を形成するため,総合的な治療介入が重要となる.
Theme Heart and it's Diseases in Dialysis Patients -- For their better longevity
Title Chronic kidney disease and heart failure
Author Naoki Nakagawa Division of Cardiology, Nephrology, Pulmonology and Neurology, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College
Author Naoyuki Hasebe Division of Cardiology, Nephrology, Pulmonology and Neurology, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College
[ Summary ] Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is now recognized as a risk factor for both end-stage renal disease and independently for cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients receiving dialysis. It is important to note that even in patients with mild kidney disease, the risk of cardiovascular events and death is elevated relative to patients without evidence of kidney disease, because of the prevalence of many traditional CVD risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and left ventricular hypertrophy. In addition, reduced renal function is associated with increased nontraditional risk factors, such as anemia, inflammation, oxidative stress and abnormalities of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Recently, a novel clinical entity termed cardio-renal anemia (CRA) syndrome, has been recognized in which anemia plays a key role in worsening both CKD and cardiac performance in a vicious circle. Appropriate and vigorous treatment of anemia has now been accepted to eliminate or moderate this vicious circle. Patients with CKD should be considered a high-risk population for CVD and be recommended for more intensive preventive management of CVD, including active detection and precise treatment of CVD risk factors.