臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.4(3-5)

特集名 血液透析効率の評価法について再考する
題名 透析効率に及ぼす各種影響因子(5)治療頻度 -- 短時間連日透析の有用性
発刊年月 2010年 04月
著者 森石 みさき 土谷総合病院人工臓器部
著者 川西 秀樹 土谷総合病院人工臓器部
【 要旨 】 週6回2時間の連日透析のBUN,β2ミクログロブリン,リンの除去効果をconventionalな週3回4時間透析と比較した.equivalent renal clearance(EKR)から求めた尿素,β2ミクログロブリンの除去率は,週当りの透析時間の等しい両者に差はないが,週当りの除去量は週6回2時間透析のほうが多いため透析前値,時間平均濃度(TAC)が低下し,透析回数・透析時間が増すとさらに低下した.リンの週当りの除去量は週3回4時間透析に比し週6回2時間透析で多く,週7回2.5時間以上の透析によってリン値の低下とリン吸着薬の減量がみられた.短時間連日透析は尿素,β2ミクログロブリン,リンの除去効果に優れ,今後進めるべき治療方法と考えるが,頻回透析による患者の疲弊や医療費の倍増を回避するため,簡便な透析機器の開発,医療制度の改革,社会支援制度の確立を必要とする.
Theme Performance Evaluations for Blood Purification Devices and Characteristics of Dialysis Adequacy Indices
Title Effects of short daily hemodialysis
Author Misaki Moriishi Department of Artificial Organ, Akane Foundation Tsuchiya General Hospital
Author Hideki Kawanishi Department of Artificial Organ, Akane Foundation Tsuchiya General Hospital
[ Summary ] The effects of removing BUN, β2 microglobulin and phosphorus were compared when employing short daily hemodialysis of 2 hours 6 times a week, as to conventional hemodialysis of 4 hours 3 times a week. No differences in removal rates for BUN, β2 microglobulin calculated using equivalent renal clearance were observed with 2 hours 6 times a week treatment or 4 hours 3 times a week treatment. However, weekly solute removal volume was increased with 2 hours 6 times a week treatment as compared to 4 hours 3 times a week treatment. Therefore, predialysis solute values and TAC were lowered. Greater reductions were obtained by increasing the number dialysis sessions and prolonging dialysis time. Weekly phosphorus removal was increased with dialysis duration of 2 hours 6 times a week as compared to dialysis sessions of 4 hours 3 times a week. Serum phosphorus concentrations and the use of phosphate binders could be decreased when dialysis sessions of >2.5 hours 7 times a week were performed. Short daily dialysis should be selected for more efficient dialysis therapy. The development of convenient dialysis machinery, health service reform and the establishment of social support networks is need to avoid exhausting patients with frequent dialysis and higher medical bills.