臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.2(5-1)

特集名 血液透析方法を再考する
題名 [総論]リミテッドケア透析(1)日本で普及させるための問題点とは?
発刊年月 2010年 02月
著者 斎藤 明 東海大学医学部
【 要旨 】 リミテッドケア透析は,患者宅近くの透析室で患者自身が治療行為を行い,一般看護師がそれを支援する自己管理型透析であり,わが国には存在しない.通院が容易で開始時間は患者の都合が入れられるなどのメリットはあるものの,穿刺や開始・終了は自らが行う.治療実践の自己負担度はクリニック透析より高く,在宅透析より低く,透析治療コストは前者より安く,後者より高く,両者の中間にある.わが国で保険診療に採用されるには,患者,透析施設,国にとりメリットとデメリットを明らかにし,全腎協(患者会),透析医会,透析医学会など関連諸組織からの了解が得られ,厚生労働省で認可される必要がある.認可されてもリミテッドケア透析施設が普及し,患者がそれを選択するには一定の時間を要する.
Theme Re-consideration for the Modification of Hemodialysis Therapy
Title Issues in prevalence of limited care dialysis in Japan
Author Akira Saito Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] European hemodialysis patients are treated at limited care (low care) units, in which generalized nursing care supports the patient's self-treatment. A doctor does not stay in the units unless there are emergency calls from the head nurse in the unit. Dialysis expense in limited care units is lower than that provided in clinics but, more expensive than home hemodialysis. Limited care dialysis has never been approved by the Japanese government. The merits and drawbacks of limited care dialysis should be understood by the dialysis patients' association and the Japanese Dialysis Doctor's Association. Limited care dialysis should become accepted by those organizations. Finally, limited care dialysis must be accepted by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. In general, selfcare dialysis such as home hemodialysis and limited care dialysis is not widely accepted by dialysis patients, because most of these patients are elderly and experience severe dialysis complications during long-term dialysis treatment in Japan. Those patients do not often choose self-care treatment.