臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.2(12)

特集名 腎代行治療導入患者への医療情報提供を考える
題名 [各論 合併症に対する血液透析方法を考える]メンタルストレス,不眠 -- とくに高齢者を中心に
発刊年月 2010年 02月
著者 西村 勝治 東京女子医科大学医学部精神医学教室
著者 菊地 勘 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター血液浄化療法科
【 要旨 】 透析患者にはさまざまな心理的なストレスが生じ,20%近くの患者に大うつ病が生じる.睡眠障害は透析患者の50~80%が経験するが,原発性不眠症のみならず,睡眠時無呼吸症候群やむずむず脚症候群が頻繁に合併する.これらは高齢者ではより頻繁に生じ,QOLの低下,合併症の増加,入院率の上昇,生命的予後の悪化と関連している.このため早期発見と適切な対処が求められる.これらの症状はしばしば尿毒症の一症状として現れるので,十分な透析による尿毒症の適切なコントロールが重要である.
Theme Re-consideration for the Modification of Hemodialysis Therapy
Title Psychological stress and sleep disorders in elderly hemodialysis patients
Author Katsuji Nishimura Department of Psychiatry, Tokyo Women's Medical University, School of Medicine
Author Kan Kikuchi Department of Blood Purification, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University, School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Patients with end-stage renal disease and receiving hemodialysis experience various types of mental stress. Major depression occurs in approximately 20% of these patients. In addition, sleep-related complaints affect 50-80% of dialysis patients. These conditions include primary insomnia, sleep apnea syndrome, restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder. These conditions occur more frequently in the elderly population and are associated with impaired quality of life, increased morbidity, hospitalization and increased mortality. Adequate assessment and management of these conditions are therefore needed. Since these conditions are often attributed to uremic syndrome, it is important that adequate control of uremia be achieved.