臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.13(2-4)

特集名 身体所見からのCKD患者の栄養評価の重要性
題名 [各論]SGA/MIS/GNRIによる評価
発刊年月 2010年 12月
著者 田北 貴子 新風会丸山病院内科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の栄養状態の評価・スクリーニング法として,SGA,MIS,GNRIなどがある.SGAは,主観的な栄養評価法で,透析患者に限らず今まで広く用いられてきた.MISは,透析患者のmalnutrition-inflammation complex syndromeを評価するためのスクリーニング法として考案された.GNRIは,高齢者の簡便な栄養評価法として,最近提案され,日本でも透析患者の栄養スクリーニングに使用されている.どの方法にもそれぞれ利点や問題点があり,現時点でのゴールデンスタンダードと広く認められるものはまだない.そこで,各施設の状況に応じて最適な方法を組み合わせ,正確で効率の良い栄養評価・スクリーニングを行い,迅速で適切な栄養治療に結びつけていくことが大切である.
Theme Importance of Nutritional Assessment by Physical Examination in CKD
Title Nutritional assessment with SGA, MIS, and GNRI
Author Takako Takita Department of Internal Medicine, Maruyama Hospital
[ Summary ] SGA, MIS, and GNRI have been utilized to evaluate and screen the nutritional state of dialysis patients. SGA is a subjective nutritional screening tool, which has been used to evaluate the nutritional state of patients, including dialysis patients. MIS has been established as a screening tool to evaluate malnutrition inflammation complex syndrome in dialysis patients. GNRI has been recently proposed as a simplified nutritional screening tool for elderly patients. It is also utilized for nutritional screening of dialysis patients in Japan. All these treatment options have advantages and disadvantages, and there is no widely accepted "gold standard". Therefore, it is important to combine treatment methods according to situations at individual institutions and evaluate the nutritional status of dialysis patients accurately and efficiently, which will lead to prompt and appropriate nutritional treatment.