臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.13(2-1)

特集名 身体所見からのCKD患者の栄養評価の重要性
題名 [各論]皮膚所見の評価
発刊年月 2010年 12月
著者 荻原 洋子 相模原記念クリニック
【 要旨 】 透析患者の皮膚には多彩な皮膚症状がみられることは,すでにいくつか報告がされている.その症状は特異的ではないが,色素沈着,皮膚乾燥,萎縮,発汗障害, 痒症,痒疹,キルレ病,爪の変化,舌の潰瘍,毛炎,出血斑,血腫,女性化乳房,線状皮膚萎縮,脱毛症,石灰沈着,浮腫など,透析合併症として,透析アミロイドーシス,カルシフィラキシス,亜鉛欠乏症,閉塞性動脈硬化症などであった.
Theme Importance of Nutritional Assessment by Physical Examination in CKD
Title Dermatological evaluation of hemodialysis patients
Author Yoko Ogihara Sagamihara Memorial Clinic
[ Summary ] A variety of dermatological changes are frequently observed in hemodialysis patients. Most skin conditions are nonspecific including dryness, atrophy, decreased sweating, pruritus, hyperpigmentation, nail changes, ulcerations, prurigo, folliclitis, purpura, hematoma, gynecomastia, striae distense, alopecia, calcification and edema. Complications related to hemodialysis are dialysis amyloidosis, calciphylaxis, zink deficiency, and ASO.
The profiles of nalfurafine hydrochloride (Remitch®), a new therapeutic agent for the treatment of uremic pruritis in hemodialysis patients are discussed.