Theme |
Nursing Care for the Patient's Daily Life and Its Usefulness |
Title |
HD patient support for foot care |
Author |
Masuko Sumikawa |
School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Shimane University |
[ Summary ] |
Hemodialysis patients often experience foot problems. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the risk of foot ulceration and provide periodic and appropriate foot care to these patients. In particular, medical examination of the feet of these patients during every treatment session enables early detection and prevention of foot problems as well as helping motivate patients in relation to foot care. When these patients experience complications with their feet, it is important to discuss the cause of the problems with them and assess their general and mental status. Since the approval of the new medical treatment fee payment system for management of diabetic patients with foot problems in April 2008, standardization of foot care methods has become an urgent issue. Foot care should be provided by medical practitioners through cooperation with professional staffs providing with foot care. |