臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.12(5)

特集名 透析看護の実践 (2)日常生活における看護支援とその有用性
題名 運動療法のサポート
発刊年月 2010年 11月
著者 折部 知子 国立病院機構東徳島医療センター人工透析室・看護師
【 要旨 】 運動療法は動機づけと継続性が重要であるが,長期透析による合併症や高齢化などにより透析患者に対する運動療法にも工夫が求められている.
Theme Nursing Care for the Patient's Daily Life and Its Usefulness
Title Physical exercise support for hemodialysis patients
Author Tomoko Oribe Department of Nursing, National Hospital Organization, Higashi Tokushima National Hospital
[ Summary ] The number of elderly patients with a range of medical complications has increased. As a result the importance of special exercise programs has increased.
In our hospital, we recommend daily walking hemodialysis patients as a primary form of physical exercise. Walking exercise habits have great effects on overall physical functions, body composition, blood properties, quality of life, and improved hypotension during hemodialysis.
In conclusion, exercise regimens which include walking are found to be useful for providing low impact exercise for hemodialysis patients. It is vital to provide positive approachs for hemodialysis patients in order to help them maintain their health.