臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.11(1-1)

特集名 透析看護の実践 (1)透析中のケアとその有用性
題名 透析技術 (1) 安全な透析を行うための観察点とケア
発刊年月 2010年 10月
著者 小手田 紀子 緑栄会三愛記念病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析患者の背景はさまざまである.患者の安全安楽を考えて,患者の表情・言動などから日頃との違いを観察できる能力や急変時に対応できる看護技術を身につけることが必要である.また透析中はベッドサイドの環境の整備,患者の状態の観察,透析機器の安全性などを確認する.血圧や体重などの自己管理は個々のセルフケア能力により違いがある.安楽な透析治療や患者のQOLを高めるためには,患者の自己管理への適切な指導を行い,他職種とチームを組み透析看護を実践する.
Theme Nursing Care During Dialysis Treatment and Its Usefulnessy
Title Managements for patient under hemodialysis
Author Noriko Koteda Department of Nursing, Sanai Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] Dialysis patients have various backgrounds in regard to their primary disease, age, gender, occupation, and social history. As dialysis nurses, we collect each patient's background information, including information about their family, and personal health history, in order to provide the right treatment and care. To insure patient comfort and safety, nurses and co-medical staff members need to have the proper experience and skills to be able to detect unusual changes in each patient's attitude, by observing verbal and non-verbal communication. During dialysis, it is not only important to observe each patient's vital signs and physical condition, but also to monitor and assess dialysis units and bed side environment to reduce the chances of incidents. Each patient has their own self monitoring responsibility, including weight control, checking and monitoring their own blood pressure and taking medications. It is necessary for doctors, nurses and co-medical staffs to train patients to conduct self-care, and work as a team to insure the patient's safety and comfort during dialysis, and to maintain the patient's quality of life.