臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.10(6)

特集名 急性血液浄化療法
題名 低効率血液濾過透析(sustained low efficiency dialysis;SLED)
発刊年月 2010年 09月
著者 盛 真弓 聖路加国際病院腎臓内科
著者 津川 友介 聖路加国際病院腎臓内科
著者 小松 康宏 聖路加国際病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 集中治療を要する重症患者に対する腎代替療法としては持続的腎機能代替療法(continuous renal replacement therapy;CRRT)が広く用いられている.しかしCRRTは長時間にわたり抗凝固薬や異物に曝露されるため,出血や感染のリスクがある.またスタッフの労力などを含めた人的,物的資源の有効活用という点からもすべての症例に対して一律にCRRTを実施するのではなく,連日の間欠的血液透析や連日8~12時間の低効率血液透析(sustained low efficiency dialysis;SLED)を実施するという選択肢があってもよい.本稿ではSLEDに関するこれまでの知見をまとめるとともに,当院での処方例を提示した.
Theme Acute Blood Purification Therapy
Title Sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED)
Author Mayumi Mori Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, St. Luke's International Hospital
Author Yusuke Tsugawa Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, St. Luke's International Hospital
Author Yasuhiro Komatsu Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, St. Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] Continuous renal replacement therapy is the preferred modality for critically ill unstable patients. However, intermittent hemodialysis is the choice for stable chronic renal failure patients. While there is a positive impact on preservation of blood pressure with continuous therapy, resulting survival benefits observed in intensive care units have yet to be proven. Sustained low efficiency dialysis (SLED) is a novel renal replacement therapy with a broad range of adjustability of solutes and volume removal. This modality combines the advantages of intermittent and continuous renal replacement therapy. Owing to the advantages of flexible treatment timing and reduced costs, SLED can be used as the preferred mode of extracorporeal renal replacement therapy in intensive care units. Except for hemodynamically unstable patients with cardiac comorbidity, SLED can be a promising treatment option for the majority of patients in intensive care units. We review basic concepts and current usage of SLED.