臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.10(5)

特集名 急性血液浄化療法
題名 持続的腎機能代替療法(CRRT)の実際
発刊年月 2010年 09月
著者 篠崎 広一郎 千葉大学大学院医学研究院救急集中治療医学
著者 織田 成人 千葉大学大学院医学研究院救急集中治療医学
【 要旨 】 CRRTとは,「持続的腎機能代替療法」である.本来は「腎補助を目的とする場合にのみ使用し,non-renal indicationは含まない」用語である.しかしながら,医工学の進歩により,現在さまざまな血液浄化法が開発され,臨床応用されているなかで,CRRTの正確な位置づけをすることは難しい.本稿ではCRRTに関する理解を助ける目的で,現在本邦で行われている血液浄化法の種類を概説し,そのうえで欧米諸国の報告を含めた最新の知見をもとにCRRTについて解説し,CRRTの具体的な施行法や適応について講述する.
Theme Acute Blood Purification Therapy
Title Implementations and indications of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)
Author Koichiro Shinozaki Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Shigeto Oda Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] CRRT is the acronym for continuous renal replacement therapy. The term is usually used, when the clinician performs blood purification as a means of renal support. Recently, in the field of medical engineering, technology for blood purification has been markedly improved. This is due to various kinds of blood purification modalities having been developed. In these circumstances CRRT is performed not only for renal replacement therapy but also for other objectives, such as removal of humoral mediators. In this segment, we discuss currently available blood purification methods for critically ill patients. This is done in reference to recent topics related to CRRT. Indications to implement CRRT and ramifications of treatment are discussed.