臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.8(6)

特集名 バスキュラーアクセスの進歩と課題
題名 血管内留置カテーテル型バスキュラーアクセス -- とくに長期型
発刊年月 2009年 07月
著者 東 仲宣 東葛クリニック病院外科
著者 内野 敬 東葛クリニック病院外科
【 要旨 】 留置カテーテルを長期に挿入することは,リスクを考え,代替の方法がない場合に限るべきである.しかし最近では,代替方法の処置までの時間稼ぎで用いられることもある.DOQIは内シャントの発達する前のカフ付きカテーテルの挿入を適応に明記し,3週間未満の挿入を容認しているが,われわれの意見として絶対的適応は重篤な末動脈の閉塞病変,慢性心不全,慢性低血圧症である.われわれは8.5年間に82例延べ90回挿入し,アクセスの作製困難例は48例(58.5%)であった.入れ替えをした例は8例,ほかのアクセスに変更7例,血流感染8例,他病死49例,現在機能しているのは25例である.問題点として感染,閉塞,素材の劣化が挙げられる.
Theme Progresses and Problems in Vascular Access for Hemodialysis
Title Long term central venous hemodialysis catheters
Author Nakanobu Azuma Department of Surgery, Toukatsu-Clinic Hospital
Author Takashi Uchino Department of Surgery, Toukatsu-Clinic Hospital
[ Summary ] Recently, cuffed catheters have been used temporarily in vascular access trouble cases. When there is no other option, the cuffed catheter should be selected carefully as a continual vascular access method because of the high associated risks. The DOQI guidelines are as follows: "Tunneled cuffed venous catheters are the method of choice for temporary access of longer than three weeks' duration. (They also are acceptable for access of shorter duration.) In addition, some patients where we have exhausted all other access options require permanent access via tunneled cuffed catheters. For patients who have a primary AV fistula maturing but need immediate hemodialysis." In our opinion, theprimary indication for this treatment is defined ascases with severe peripheral arterial obstructive disease, chronic heart failure or chronic hypotension. From 2000 to 2007, we inserted 90 tunneled cuffed catheters in 82 patients. In forty six cases (58%) it was difficult to achieve vascular accesses in anyother fashion. Catheters were replaced in 8 casesand other vascular accesses methods were appliedin 7 cases. Infection occurred in 8 cases. Fifty one patients died and 25 catheters are still functioning. Itis suggested that infection, thrombosis and weakening of the catheter material are major problems.