臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.8(5-2)

特集名 バスキュラーアクセスの進歩と課題
題名 非定型的バスキュラーアクセスの適応と問題点 (2) 腋窩動静脈シャント(ネックレス法)
発刊年月 2009年 07月
著者 浜田 弘巳 日鋼記念病院外科
著者 高田 譲二 日鋼記念病院外科
著者 中島 泰志 日鋼記念病院腎センター
著者 伊丹 儀友 日鋼記念病院腎センター
著者 角田 一眞 登別記念病院
【 要旨 】 バスキュラーアクセス作製に適当な動静脈が枯渇する症例に対するoptionの一つである腋窩動静脈シャント(ネックレス法)の適応,成績,臨床上の問題点について述べた.
Theme Progresses and Problems in Vascular Access for Hemodialysis
Title Indications for and clinical problems with atypical vascular access:axillary loop arterio-venous graft (necklace type)
Author Hiromi Hamada Department of Surgery, Nikko-Memorial Hospital
Author Joji Takada Department of Surgery, Nikko-Memorial Hospital
Author Taishi Nakashima Kidney Center, Nikko-Memorial Hospital
Author Noritomo Itami Kidney Center, Nikko-Memorial Hospital
Author Kazumasa Tsunoda Noboribetsu-Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] The indications for, results from and clinical problems with the axillo-axillary shunt (necklace method) are discussed. This method is oneoption in cases where the appropriate vessels for access construction have been exhausted.
This method can be applied in cases where the appropriate blood vessels are not available in the upper or lower extremities. It cannot however beapplied for patients with repeated infections, severe cardiac complications or those in which there is central vein stenosis or occlusion. For these reasons, pre-surgery verification of centralvein patency and evaluation of cardiac function are essential.
Although long term patency is comparable to that with AVGs in other sites as well as deaths related to this method have not been reported, the decision to implement this method should bemade while recognizing that this is a method of last resort and with an understanding of the associated complications. It is also important to keep inmind the anastomotic site, choice of graft, and associated factors, when using this method.