臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.5(1-5)

特集名 血液透析処方をどのように選択するか
題名 治療法,操作条件の選択基準 (5) 抗凝固法の選択・設定
発刊年月 2009年 05月
著者 津川 友介 聖路加国際病院腎臓内科
著者 小松 康宏 聖路加国際病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 血液透析時に用いられる各抗凝固薬には利点と欠点がある.抗凝固薬には,未分画ヘパリン,低分子ヘパリン,ヘパリノイド (ダナパロイドなど),選択的抗トロンビン薬 (アルガトロバンなど),メシル酸ナファモスタット,クエン酸ナトリウムがある.日本や米国で頻用されているのが未分画ヘパリンであるのに対して,ヨーロッパでは低分子ヘパリンが第一選択となっているが,これは低分子ヘパリンは,高脂血症,高カリウム血症,骨粗鬆症を起こすリスクが少ないからである.低分子ヘパリンの出血のリスクは未分画ヘパリンと同等であることが知られているが,低分子ヘパリンは半減期が長いうえに,有効に拮抗する手段がないため,出血のリスクが高い患者では注意が必要である.
Theme Achieving Adequate Dialysis Prescription for Individual Patients
Title Anticoagulation in hemodialysis
Author Yusuke Tsugawa Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, St. Luke's International Hospital
Author Yasuhiro Komatsu Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, St. Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] To prevent clotting in extracorporeal circuits during hemodialysis, anticoagulant treatment is mandatory. Unfractionated heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin, heparinoids (danaparoid and fondaparinux), trombin inhibitors (argatroban), nafamostat mesilate, trisodium citrate and heparin-free dialysis are the choices of anticoagulation techniques. In the United Stetes and Japan, unfractionated heparin is primarily used, whereas in Europe, low-molecular-weight heparin is the most common choice. Low-molecular-weight heparin has been shown to be safe and effective, producing fewer adverse effects such as hyperlipidemia, hyperkalemia or osteoporosis, compared with unfractionated heparin. It is important to note that low-molecular-weight heparin has a longer half-life than unfractionated heparin, and the anticoagulant effects of low-molecular-weight heparin can be blocked only partially by protamine, making low-molecular-weight heparin more dangerous for patients at high risk of bleeding. Trisodium citrate and heparin-free dialysis are the traditional options for patients at high risk of bleeding. Nafamostat mesilate is an excellent anticoagulation option because of its extremely short half-life (8 minutes) and high adjustability. For those with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, heparinoids, hirudidin or citrate anticoagulation are recommended, but nafamostat mesilate is also safe to use.