臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.4(7)

特集名 先天性腎疾患と腎不全
題名 先天性ネフローゼ症候群
発刊年月 2009年 04月
著者 伊藤 秀一 国立成育医療センター腎臓科
【 要旨 】 先天性あるいは乳児性ネフローゼ症候群として,nephrinの異常によるフィンランド型先天性ネフローゼ症候群(CNF)と,WT1遺伝子の異常によるびまん性メサンギウム硬化症(DMS)があげられる.CNFは出生直後より重度の低蛋白血症と浮腫で発症し,3歳以降に腎不全となる.DMSは生後3カ月以降に発見されることが多く,発見時に腎不全であることが多い.CNFの治療は蛋白尿と浮腫の管理が中心となる.蛋白尿を減らすためには腎摘出術も考慮する.感染症と血栓症の合併を予防し,腎移植を最終目標とする.DMSは腎不全の治療が中心となり,必要に応じ蛋白尿と浮腫の管理を行い腎移植につなげる.WT1遺伝子の異常はWilms腫瘍と外性器異常の合併に注意すべきである.
Theme Congenital Kidney Disease and Renal Failure
Title Congenital nephrotic syndrome
Author Shuichi Ito Department of Nephrology, National Center for Child Health and Development
[ Summary ] During the last decade, there have been scientific breakthroughs concerning the etiology of congenital nephrotic syndrome. Mutations of the NPHS1 gene cause congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF). Mutations of the WT1 gene cause diffuse mesangial sclerosis (DMS). The NPHS1 gene encodes nephrin and the WT1 gene encodes transcription factors for development of the kidnies, urinary organs and genital organs. In spite of knowledge concerning gene function, therapeutic management for congenital nephrotic syndrome is still challenging. Infusions of albumin, use of diuretics as well as hemi or bilateral nephrectomies are essential treatments to control severe edema in CNF cases. Antithrombotic treatments along with thyroid hormone and tube feeding are also crucial elements in the treatment of CNF. Prevention of severe complications such as sepsis, thrombosis and severe growth impairment is a key factor in treatment of this condition. Patients with CNF develop end stage renal failure at around 2 to 3 years of age, but patients with DMS generally display renal failure at diagnosis. Therefore, supportive therapy, including peritoneal dialysis for renal failure, is a primary treatment for patients with DMS. The end goal of therapy for CNF and DMS is renal transplantation.