臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.4(2)

特集名 先天性腎疾患と腎不全
題名 出生前診断/出生後早期診断 -- 年少~乳幼児腎不全早期発見の現状と問題点
発刊年月 2009年 04月
著者 村上 睦美 日本医科大学名誉教授
【 要旨 】 蛋白尿と血尿を指標とした検尿では早期発見が困難な疾患が知られており,それらはいずれも先天性腎尿路異常(CAKUT)であった.CAKUTは腹部腫瘤を除くとそれ自体の特異的な症状を呈することはなく,早期発見には超音波診断装置を用いたスクリーニング以外には適切な指標は得られていない.しかし,現時点ではこれらは一部の地域で行われているにすぎず,マススクリーニングとしてのシステムを整備し,全国的に広く施行されることが望まれる.
Theme Congenital Kidney Disease and Renal Failure
Title Early diagnosis of pre/postnatal period -- Early detection of renal failure in infants and young children
Author Mutsumi Murakami Emeritus professor of Nippon Medical School
[ Summary ] Nearly 30% of childhood cases of chronic renal failure are attributed to congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract(CAKUT). For children with chronic renal failure arising from kidney, ureter and bladder anomalies, renal dysfunction is often advanced by the time they reach school age. Congenital anomalies cannot be detected at early ages using current urinary screening methods, because these methods rely on proteinuria and hematuria. Ultrasonography is effective for early detection of renal and urinary tract anomalies in prenatal and postnatal conditions. In the absence of systemic diseases, the prevalence of CAKUT is reported to be 0.1% as determined through prenatal ultrasonography, and slightly over 1% as determined by postnatal ultrasonography. Patients exhibiting any of the following diseases bilaterally warrant little prognostic optimism: severe vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), advanced hydronephrosis, small kidney (hypoplastic/dysplastic kidney) and multicystic dysplastic kidney. Conducting ultrasonographic screening in early infancy may permit early treatment to prevent renal insufficiency. However, there are some difficulties with screening such as timing, method and criteria for renal ultrasound, early detection of VUR, cost effectiveness, cost burden and collaboration with pediatric urologists.