臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.3(6-1-3)

特集名 透析看護スタッフのメンタルヘルスを考える
題名 透析看護スタッフのメンタルヘルスとそのサポート (1) キャリア別にみたメンタルの特徴 [3] 看護管理者
発刊年月 2009年 03月
著者 江崎 眞知子 金山クリニック・看護師
【 要旨 】 昨今の厳しい透析医療の現場で,スタッフは過度の疲労やメンタル不全に陥る者が増加傾向にあり,メンタルヘルスが重要な課題となる.一方,看護管理者のストレス要因は,仕事量の増加や,患者・家族・スタッフからの苦情処理や人間関係の調整が多いが,管理者自身は,積極的な問題解決型のコーピングを用いており「最悪の状態への心の準備」をして,毎日緊張感をもって仕事をしている.
このような状況のなかで,管理者はスタッフのメンタルへルス支援に加えて,自分自身のメンタルへルスマネジメントも必要となる.当院では,(1) 管理者対象の研修会の開催,(2) 自身のメンタルへルスケアの実施,(3) 管理者としてマネジメント能力を高める仕組み作り,(4) 積極的に院外の知見を取り入れる,などを実践している.
Theme Mental Health Considerations for Dialysis Nursing Staffs
Title Mental characteristics viewed by career position: dialysis nursing managers' mental health
Author Machiko Ezaki Department of Nursing, Kanayama Clinic
[ Summary ] In the current arduous environment involving dialysis treatment clinics, there is an increasing tendency for staff members to be excessively fatigued and feel mentally insufficient. The mental health of medical professionals is an important issue. Many of the stress factors affecting nursing managers are produced by increased workloads, dealing with complaints from patients, dealing with patients' families, and other staff members, as well as maintaining personal relationships. The manager him or herself, must employ active problem resolution type coping mechanisms and prepare mentally for the worst situations, in order to work deal with daily stress.
In these situations, managers must support not only the mental health of their staff, but also manage their own mental health as well. Activities at our hospital include holding training sessions for managers, implementing self care for mental health, creating mechanisms to improve the management skills and actively incorporating findings from outside the hospital.
Having managers recognize their own stress and take early measures to cope with it is very significant in terms of them being role models for other staff members.