臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.2(4-8)

特集名 透析患者のスクリーニング検査 -- 透析合併症の防止と健診
題名 透析患者にとって重要となるスクリーニング (8) 上部・下部消化管癌
発刊年月 2009年 02月
著者 松橋 尚生 恵水会田島クリニック
【 要旨 】 胃癌は依然,日本人の悪性腫瘍死の2位に位置し,また近年,大腸癌は著しく増加し,いずれも重要な疾患である.日本では,胃癌検診として胃X線検査,大腸癌検診として便潜血法が行われ,両者とも死亡率の改善に寄与し,検診としての有効性が証明されている.
Theme Preventive Medical Screening and Health Check-ups for Dialysis patients
Title Screening for cancer of upper and lower digestive tract
Author Naoki Matsuhashi Tajima Clinic
[ Summary ] In Japan, digestive tract malignancy is one of the major causes of cancer related death. Japanese population-based screening for gastric and colon cancers, barium meal studies and fecal occult blood tests have reduced mortality rates and demonstrated significant benefits for the public health.
Though both cancer mortality rates and incidence rates are suspected to be higher in dialysis patients than in the general population, no guidelines for cancer screening in dialysis patients have been published in Japan. There is not yet any clear evidence that cancer screening improves prognoses for Japanese dialysis patients. At present, each doctor caring for dialysis patients should conduct patient based deliberation for cancer screening strategies.