臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.13(2-8)

特集名 CKD患者の輸液と経腸栄養の指針 -- ステージ4・5患者への対策
題名 [各論]VIII. 腎不全患者向けの栄養補給食品の現状と課題
発刊年月 2009年 12月
著者 市川 和子 川崎医科大学附属病院栄養部・管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 腎不全患者の栄養介入とリハビリテーションはQOLを保つうえで,重要である.腎不全患者向けの治療用栄養補給並びに特殊食品は数多くあるが,一般商品と比較すると高価である.また,透析患者の高齢化により,嚥下・摂食障害を伴う患者も急増している.このように,腎不全に加え機能障害のある患者の栄養サポートには,誤嚥予防のための補助食品の利用を勧める.今後,積極的な栄養サポートを行うためには,ある程度の費用を念頭において,これらの商品を利用することも対策の一助と考える.
Theme Strategies of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Especially at Stages 4 and 5
Title Current situations and issues related to dietary supplements for chronic renal failure patients
Author Kazuko Ichikawa Department of Nutrition, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital
[ Summary ] Nutritional intervention and the rehabilitation of renal failure patients are important in maintaining patients' QOL. There are many restorative agents and special foods available for renal failure patients, but they are expensive compared with generally available foods. The number of patients with deglutition disorders or eating disorders has rapidly increased due to the aging of the dialysis population. To provide nutritional support for patients with functional disorders such as renal failure, the use of the supplements to prevent aspiration recommended. They tend to be rather expensive but these supplements are regarded as the helpful of measures to perform provide adequate nutrition for these patients.