臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.13(1-1)

特集名 CKD患者の輸液と経腸栄養の指針 -- ステージ4・5患者への対策
題名 [総論 -- CKDステージ4・5における低栄養の現状と対策]I. 栄養障害の定義と現状
発刊年月 2009年 12月
著者 加藤 明彦 浜松医科大学附属病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者の栄養障害(wasting,悪液質,栄養不良,炎症)に関する標準的な用語および定義に関して,the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolismの専門家委員会より発表された.本発表では,体蛋白や脂肪量が不足する状態を意味する用語として,“protein-energy wasting(PEW)”を推奨している.この病態の原因には,炎症のみならず,異化亢進,透析液からの栄養素の喪失,代謝性アシドーシス,内分泌的異常などが関連する.また,PEWの診断基準として,生化学検査,体重または脂肪量の減少,筋肉量の低下,エネルギーまたはたんぱく質摂取不足,の4カテゴリーを挙げた.しかし,CKDステージ4・5の栄養障害については,現時点でもその正確な頻度は不明である.今回,新たな診断基準が確立されたことにより,より正確な実態が明らかとなり,患者ケアに役立つことが期待される.
Theme Strategies of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Especially at Stages 4 and 5
Title Current status and definition of protein-energy wasting in stage 4 and 5 CKD patients
Author Akihiko Kato Division of Blood Purification, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism expert panel has developed standard terminologies and definitions related to wasting, cachexia, malnutrition, and inflammation in chronic kidney disease(CKD). The expert panel recommends the term "protein-energy wasting (PEW)" to describe the syndrome of protein mass depletion and/or depletion of energy sources (that is, body protein and fat masses). This abnormality is often related to not only inflammation, but also catabolic illness, nutrient loss into dialysates, metabolic acidosis, and endocrine disorders. The expert panel also advocates that four main established categories be recognized for the diagnosis of PEW. Biochemical tests may be used along with other measures to determine reduced body weight, or body fat mass, decreases in muscle mass or low energy and protein intake. However, the actual prevalence of PEW remains to be determined in stage 4 and 5 CKD patients. The novel terminology associated with PEW has recently been established and it is hoped that a systematically defined diagnostic criteria will clarify the prevalence of PEW and enhance the effectiveness of CKD patient care.