臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.11(3-3)

特集名 腎不全患者への支援についての再考 --「指導」「教育」のあり方
題名 [ケース別にみた指導・教育]III. 透析安定期における教育の実際と課題
発刊年月 2009年 10月
著者 神保 洋子 東京医科大学病院人工透析センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析安定期は,透析を継続することで導入時の崩れた内部環境が整えられ,身体症状や精神症状は安定してくる.身体症状や精神症状が安定すると透析療法を自分の日常生活のなかに組み入れ,生活の再編成に向けて調整を行うこととなる.また,透析療法は生体腎の全代償には至らず,原疾患の完治に至るものでもなく,自己管理の状況により合併症の出現もありうるため,透析療法,薬物療法,食事療法を続けながら予防に努める必要がある.それには,今まで行った教育・指導を理解しているか確認し,家庭や職場復帰しながら自己管理能力を身に付け,継続できるように支援していくことが大切である.
Theme Reconsideration of Support to Renal Failure Patients
Title Instructional issues and practices related to stable periods of dialysis
Author Yoko Jimbo Tokyo Medical University Hospital
[ Summary ] In relation to dialysis treatment, (in dialytically) stabilized periods, physical symptoms and mental conditions often become stable. This is because the environment of the patient is disturbed at the time of dialysis initiation. However, as patients' physical symptoms and mental conditions become stable, adjustments aimed towards reformatting their lives need to be carried out by integrating dialysis therapy into their daily lives. In addition, it's necessary for patients to focus on preventative measures at initiation of dialysis therapy, including drug intervention and alimentary therapy. This is because dialysis cannot fully replace the function of kidneys. Complete recovery from disease can not be achieved through dialysis. However, complications may be minimized through proper patient self management. In addition, it is important to check to be certain that patients understand instructions and to support them in acquiring self-management abilities in order to return to work or home environments.