臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.1(2-2-2)

特集名 どうコントロールするか透析患者の感染症
題名 臓器関連 : 重篤な感染症 (2) 消化器感染症 b. 肝・胆道系
発刊年月 2009年 01月
著者 伊藤 浩二 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・血液浄化センター
著者 宇野 元博 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・血液浄化センター
著者 横山 良司 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・血液浄化センター
著者 上泉 洋 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・血液浄化センター
著者 阿部 憲司 岩見沢市立総合病院外科・血液浄化センター
【 要旨 】 肝・胆道系感染症は重症化の可能性があり,診断・治療には細心の注意が必要である.透析患者における肝・胆道系感染症について,過去10年間の自験例を中心に検討した.症例は胆管炎1例,急性胆嚢炎2例,慢性胆嚢炎6例,計9例であった.2例に胆道ドレナージ,7例に手術 (胆嚢摘出術)を施行した.ドレナージ2例中,下部胆管癌に起因する胆管炎の1例は合併症のため手術不能と判断され9カ月で死亡した.もう1例は11カ月を経過しているが大きな問題はみられていない.手術症例はいずれも胆嚢摘出術を施行したが,1例で創部のヘルニアを認めたほか,大きな問題はみられなかった.ほとんどの症例で非透析患者と同様の対応が可能であった.
Theme Controlling Infections in Dialysis Patients
Title Hepatobiliary tract infection in dialysis patients
Author Koji Ito Department of Surgery and Blood Purification Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
Author Motohiro Uno Department of Surgery and Blood Purification Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
Author Ryoji Yokoyama Department of Surgery and Blood Purification Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
Author Yoh Kamiizumi Department of Surgery and Blood Purification Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
Author Kenji Abe Department of Surgery and Blood Purification Center, Iwamizawa Municipal General Hospital
[ Summary ] Hepatobiliary tract infections such as liver abscesses, cholangitis or cholecystitis may lead to sepsis or multiple organ failure. Dialysis patients are known to be at risk of infection, cardiovascular disease and hemorrhaging. In this report, we examined hepatobiliary tract infections in dialysis patients in our dialysis unit over a ten years period. Nine patients were treated (one with cholangitis due to bile duct carcinoma, two with acute cholecystitis and with six chronic cholecystitis). Biliary tract drainage was done in two cases. One 73-year old male exhibited bile duct carcinoma. He experienced many complications, so only endoscopic stenting was done. He died nine months later due to carcinoma. Another is 72-year old female, had acute cholecystitis. She was treated with percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage. Further procedures were not done because she had mild dementia and breast carcinoma. Further complications have not been seen for the past 11 months. Additional procedures have been developed to treat recurrent cholecystitis if it should occur. We performed cholecystectomies in other seven cases (one acute and six chronic cholecystitis). Postoperative complications were seen in only one case (wound hernia), and other cases, which were not eventful. We concluded that dialysis patients can be treated with nearly the same procedures as non-dialysis patients.