臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.9(2-6)

特集名 慢性腎不全病態に対する新たな視点 -- 治療目標をどこにおくか ?
題名 [病態]中枢神経障害
発刊年月 2008年 08月
著者 鶴屋 和彦 九州大学大学院包括的腎不全治療学
著者 平方 秀樹 福岡赤十字病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 慢性腎不全における中枢神経障害には,意識障害や痙攣を呈する急性症候から慢性透析患者における認知機能障害 (慢性症候) など多彩である.急性症候としては尿毒症性脳症が代表的で,尿毒素の蓄積により発症する代謝性脳症に分類され,透析療法によって尿毒症状態が是正されれば速やかに改善するが,治療中には不均衡症候群を予防することが重要となる.鑑別すべき疾患として,脳血管障害,低血糖,肝性脳症,薬物中毒などがあげられる.安定した慢性透析患者においても詳細に評価すればなんらかの高次脳機能障害がみられるとの報告が多く,慢性的な中枢神経障害として位置づけられる.とくに,認知機能障害が重要で,病態には,加齢,高血圧,貧血など多くの危険因子が関与し,エリスロポエチンによる貧血改善や透析処方量の増加によって改善する可能性が指摘されている.
Theme New Insights into Uremic Conditions and Their Therapeutic Targets
Title Central nervous system (CNS) damage
Author Kazuhiko Tsuruya Department of Integrated Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease, Graduate School of Medical Scienses, Kyushu University
Author Hideki Hirakata Department of Nephrology, Fukuoka Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Central nervous system (CNS) damage in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) develops various clinical manifestations. These include acute symptoms such as loss of consciousness, and convulsions, as well as chronic symptoms such as the cognitive dysfunction often seen in chronic dialysis patients. Uremic encephalopathy, a main cause of acute CNS damage in CRF, is a form of metabolic encephalopathy which results from an accumulation of uremic toxins and is promptly resolved by dialysis therapy. It is important that initial dialyses should be minimal in order to prevent dialysis disequilibrium syndrome in the treatment of uremic encephalopathy. This condition should be differentiated from many other causes of acute CNS damage such as cerebrovascular disease, hypoglycemia, hypoxic brain injury, hepatic encephalopathy, or drug intoxication. Recently, it has been reported that the prevalence of high-order brain function impairment, a representative symptom of chronic CNS damage, is considerably high in hemodialysis patients, although most seem to have normal brain functions. It has been emphasized in many reports that cognitive dysfunction, which may result from a variety of risk factors such as aging, hypertension and anemia, is of profound importance. It has also been demonstrated in many reports that cognitive dysfunction is improved following treatment of anemia with erythropoietin, increased dialysis dosage, or renal transplantation, however its pathogenesis remains to be elucidated.