臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.6(7)

特集名 腎代行治療 (renal replacement therapy ; RRT) のイノベーション
題名 在宅血液透析 -- 操作に必要な機器,薬剤,管理,支援体制
発刊年月 2008年 06月
著者 小川 洋史 新生会第一病院内科
【 要旨 】 わが国の在宅血液透析 (HHD) 患者数は2006年12月末においてさえ,血液透析 (HD) 患者全体において0.056 % (147名) ときわめて少ない.普及が遅々としていることがわかる.1970年頃といえば,まさにまだわが国の透析医療の黎明期の頃にHHDの原点があったことを考えると,さらに普及の遅さがみえてくる.その理由としては,介助者の必要,自己管理能力,自己穿刺,導入教育など,HHD特有の問題が挙げられる.HHDの保険点数が低いのも普及を妨げている要因の一つである.しかし,HHDは治療の自由度は高く,長時間透析,短時間頻回透析が可能である.生命予後もよく,社会復帰率も高い.透析30年に向かう時代に,また,より高いQOLが問われる時代においてこそHHDの果たす役割は大きい.今回,HHDの進歩,改良点,問題点,目指す方向性などについて概説する.
Theme Innovation of Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) -- What points should be changed ?
Title Home hemodialysis
Author Hiroshi Ogawa Shinseikai Dai-ichi Hospital
[ Summary ] As late as the end of December 2006, the number of home hemodialysis (HHD) patients in Japan was extremely low (147 patients), just 0.056 % of all hemodialysis patients. This illustrates the slow acceptance of HHD. If we consider that the 1970s, which were still the dawning years of hemodialysis treatment in Japan, were the real beginning of HHD here, we see how very slow this spread has been. Reasons for this include problems inherent to HHD, such as the need for an assistant, patients' sell-management ability, self-centesis, and initial training. Another factor impeding the spread of HHD is that the national health insurance point available for HHD is low. However, HHD provides a high level of freedom which makes both prolonged hemodialysis and frequent short-term hemodialysis possible. The vital prognosis for these patients is good, and rates of social reintegration are high. HHD has a significant role to perform today, when there is an increasing number of patients who are receiving hemodialysis and have been for over 30 years, and since a higher QOL is demanded. This article reviews the advances in managing problems with HHD and its future.