臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.6(4)

特集名 腎代行治療 (renal replacement therapy ; RRT) のイノベーション
題名 腹膜透析 -- 腹膜透析療法の何を変え,何を求めていかなくてはならないか?
発刊年月 2008年 06月
著者 船木 威徳 東京女子医科大学東医療センター内科
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析 (PD) 療法は,種々の合併症の発生で治療を断念せざるをえなくなることがしばしばあるが,その理由はおもに感染症に関連したものと,腹膜機能低下に起因する除水・溶質除去能の低下にまとめられる.治療の質を可能なかぎり長く維持するための技術的な改良として,まず,感染症を減らしうるSMAP法 (PDの段階的導入法) が果たした役割は大きい.一般的になった中性透析液のもたらす長期的な臨床効果や,イコデキストリンによる腎機能の予後改善の可能性にも期待したい.血液透析 (HD) 併用の治療法をうまく取り込むためにも,透析効率予測ソフトもより効果的な処方の一助になる.と同時にPDに関わる医療者が熱意をもって変えていくべき余地はまだ残っているというのが現状である.
Theme Innovation of Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) -- What points should be changed ?
Title Questions concerning peritoneal dialysis innovations
Author Takenori Funaki Division of Blood Purification and Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University Medical Center East
[ Summary ] It is often necessary to cease peritoneal dialysis (PD) due to adverse side effects or other diseases, which may complicate treatment. Infections of the peritoneum or decreased peritoneal function are the primary factors contributing to difficulties with this treatment. SMAP (stepwise initiation of peritoneal dialysis using the Moncrief and Popovich technique) has played a major role in reducing the number of infections at peritoneal access points. It is now hoped that improved long term clinical results may be achieved by employing less acidic or acid free GDP dialysis solutions, as well as new icodextrin containing solutions. Complementary PD-HD therapy also shows promise as an effective treatment. It is now possible to implement computer software to taylor specific programs, which will meet the needs of individual dialysis patients. However, ongoing efforts must be made to provide better QOL for long-term PD patients.