臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.5(3-3)

特集名 [特集2]臨床工学技士誕生20周年を迎えて
題名 血液浄化における臨床工学技士の現状と向かうべき将来
発刊年月 2008年 05月
著者 芝本 隆 東京医科歯科大学医学部附属病院血液浄化療法部・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 1960年代後半,経済成長を背景に医療技術革新の急激な流れが押し寄せ,医療現場に「専門職」のニーズが自然発生的に起こった.その結果,医療技術者たちが誕生し,臨床工学技士として法制化された.業務としては,医療技術を駆使し,おもに血液浄化治療を24時間提供する.現在,血液浄化治療は院内の各診療部門に及び,また厚生労働省通達に伴い,臨床工学技士の業務は拡大方向にある.今後,血液浄化の分野では進歩・複雑化する医療機器,および重篤患者の増加が見込まれ,医療機器の進歩はさらに多くの患者生命を救うであろう.臨床工学技士は,進歩する医療機器を安全に操作し,血液浄化治療を含む医療の現場を整然とした環境に維持する役割を担う.その結果,多くの国民から医療現場における職種として理解され,そして認知されるであろう.
Theme The 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Clinical Engineering Technologists
Title Present and future working conditions for clinical engineer technologist in blood purification field
Author Takashi Shibamoto Department of Blood Purification, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital
[ Summary ] Innovations in medical technologies, as well as medical expenses, increased rapidly in the later half of the 1960s. The new technologies led to the development of medical technicians' positions. These positions continue to provide steady income for technicians. Clinical engineer technologist duties have expanded to include involvement in medical examinations and blood purification. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will soon release guidelines covering medical engineering practices. It has become difficult to maintain adequate numbers of clinical engineer technologist. The role of these care givers has become vital in modern medicine. Advances in medical technology have made medical care more complicated, but provide higher levels of health care and will continue to do so. Clinical engineer technologists are recognized as being vital to the provision of high quality medical care, world wide.