臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.5(2-2)

特集名 [特集1]透析医療と医療廃棄物 -- その処理の現状と今後の取り組み
題名 在宅医療からの医療廃棄物の処理 (2) 日本医師会における在宅医療廃棄物適正処理への取り組み
発刊年月 2008年 05月
著者 今村 聡 日本医師会常任理事
著者 田島 知行 市川クリニック/前 日本医師会常任理事
著者 原田 優 日本医師会医療福祉部
【 要旨 】 在宅医療の増加は著しく,その廃棄物の適正処理の問題が生じてきた.在宅医療には,医師・看護師などの訪問によるものと在宅で自ら療法を行うものと二つの機能がある.法的には在宅医療廃棄物は,一般廃棄物である.廃棄物は感染予防の観点から,標準予防策に従った処理を示した.大部分は,もともと感染の可能性はないが,鋭利でないものは,残液は捨ててポリ袋に入れ縛るなどの衛生的処理を行う.インスリンペン型自己注射針には,ねじ式の針ケースが付いており,必ずこれを被せることで感染の可能性はなくなる.プラスチック容器類に入れたうえでポリ袋に入れ,さらに大きなゴミ袋に入れて排出する方法を提示した.日本医師会では特別管理産業廃棄物管理責任者講習会の受講を推奨している.
Theme Dialysis Therapy and Medical Waste
Title Efforts by Japan Medical Association regarding environmentally sound manageanent of home medical care waste
Author Satoshi Imamura Japan Medical Association
Author Tomoyuki Tajima Ichikawa Clinic
Author Masaru Harada Japan Medical Association
[ Summary ] There has been a striking increase in home care, creating the problem of environmentally sound management of waste. Home care is comprised of two kinds of service. The first one is provided by physicians, nurses, or other healthcare professionals making home visits. The second is medical treatment carried out by the patients themselves (or their family members) at home. From the standpoint of infection control, medical waste must be disposed of in accordance with standard precautions. Most medical waste poses no risk of infectious transmission. However, even items which are not sharp require hygienic disposal. This includes disposal of any remaining liquids which should be kept in a container in a plastic bag that is tied securely. Insulin pen type self-injection needles come with screw-type needle cases. Ensuring that needles are always put back in their cases eliminates one possibility of infection. A disposal method is proposed in which medical waste is put into plastic containers, then into plastic bags, and then finally into large garbage bags for disposal. The Workshop for Managers of Specially Controlled Industrial Waste is recommended as an instructional medium.