臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.5(1-1)

特集名 [特集1]透析医療と医療廃棄物 -- その処理の現状と今後の取り組み
題名 医療機関からの医療廃棄物の処理 (1) 全国の現状と今後の取り組み
発刊年月 2008年 05月
著者 小野山 攻 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会小野山診療所
著者 土谷 晋一郎 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会土谷総合病院
著者 坂井 瑠実 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会坂井瑠実クリニック
著者 道又 勇一 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会泉ヶ丘クリニック
著者 田島 知行 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会市川クリニック
著者 山下 達博 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会山下医院
著者 後藤 宏一郎 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会後藤クリニック
著者 青木 正 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会西陣病院
著者 山崎 親雄 日本透析医会医療廃棄物対策部会増子クリニック昴
【 要旨 】 医療廃棄物の不法投棄事件が全国で相次いでいる.感染などの危険性もある医療廃棄物を含め,日本各地で放置されたままになっている大量の不法廃棄物に対する社会的な関心は大きくなっている.そこで,医療廃棄物に関する最近のおもな動きや不祥事例について検討を行った.
医療機関 (排出事業者),収集運搬,中間処理 (焼却など)・最終処分の三業態を基本フレームとし,この基本フレームが崩れると不法投棄が発生し,全国各地で環境汚染が始まることになる.マニフェストの管理,確認が医療機関にとってもっとも大切である.
Theme Dialysis Therapy and Medical Waste
Title Appropriate disposal methods for dialysis waste material in Japan
Author Osamu Onoyama Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Onoyama Clinic
Author Shinichiro Tsuchiya Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Tsuchiya General Hospital
Author Rumi Sakai Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Sakai Rumi Clinic
Author Yuichi Michimata JJapanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Izumigaoka Clinic
Author Tomoyuki Tajima Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Ichikawa Clinic
Author Tatsuhiro Yamashita Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Yamashita Clinic
Author Koichiro Goto Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Goto Clinic
Author Tadashi Aoki Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Nishijin Hospital
Author Chikao Yamazaki Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians Masuko Clinic Subaru
[ Summary ] At the present time, dialysis waste materials are classified as clinical industrial waste. As such, they only be discarded of during special garbage collections, carried out by experienced private contractors.
However, despite improvements over the past decade, medical hazardous waste is still, on occasion, found in inappropriate locations in Japan.
This type of waste often includes infectious agents and dangerous dialysis materials, as well as other materials. To improve this situation, the Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians has annual meetings with private refuse contractors to reinforce the necessity of appropriate disposal of hazardous materials.
Typically, clinics and hospitals contract private refuse companies for complete disposal of clinical waste. However, in the rare case of a third party being employed, oversights and errors can inadvertendy result in inappropriate disposal of clinical waste.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of hospitals and clinics nationwide to check and recheck the effectiveness of their disposal systems and carefully reconfirm each and every garbage pick up.
At the same time, we must closely follow the environmental examples of the E. U. in recycling dialyzer equipment to help minimize environmental problems.
The conclusion is that clearer, more precise plans of action by the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Health and Labour and regional municipal authorities must be thought out and implemented.