臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.3(3-3)

特集名 透析医療と看護必要度 -- その意義と活用の可能性
題名 「7対1」看護や包括化に対応した看護要員配置の工夫 (3) 透析室の人員確保の現状と効率化の努力
発刊年月 2008年 03月
著者 鳥居 芳行 光寿会リハビリテーション病院透析センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 当院での透析患者はここ数年1年で平均17名増加している.看護師を増員したくとも求人は困難を極めている.透析室における人員確保の現状として,看護師については当法人のサテライト型透析施設からの人事異動によるものと,臨床工学技士と看護助手の増員によるものである.昨年,看護師の求人募集をさまざまな方法で行ったが効果はなかった.離職防止対策の努力として,看護師長の面談による職員の状況の把握と支援,新人に対してはプリセプター制を導入している.女性看護師の生活支援として院内保育園の開設を検討している.臨床工学技士と看護助手の増員に伴い看護業務を見直し,効率化をはかっている.
Theme Dialysis Treatment and Nursing Care Needs -- Significance and Potential Utilization
Title Personnel necessary to operate dialysis centers and staffing efficiency
Author Yoshiyuki Torii Department of Hemodialysis, Koujyukai Rehabilitation Hospital
[ Summary ] In recent years, the number of dialysis patients in our facility's dialysis department has increased by an average of seventeen every year. It has also become difficult to maintain staff levels due to the number of jobs available to nurses. The number of nurses may be stabilized through them being members of a large labor pool, within a medical organization, along with clinical engineers and assistant nurses. Nursing recruitment must be carried out in ways not previously attempted.
Nursing recruitment programs were not put in place until last year. Staff attrition may be reduced through the understanding of chief nurses and the personal support they provide to the nursing staff members. This hospital has introduced a mentoring system for new nurses. A day care facility is also being considered to provide support for nurses who are mothers. Nursing services provided and worker efficiency rates since the increase in the number of clinical engineers and assistant nurses are reviewed.