臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.2(1-2)

特集名 本邦のCAPD療法の現況
題名 本邦CAPD患者の現況 (2) 高齢者CAPD医療 -- そのメリット・デメリット
発刊年月 2008年 02月
著者 中元 秀友 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
著者 島田 祐樹 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
著者 国吉 英樹 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
著者 木下 俊介 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
【 要旨 】 近年,社会の高齢化に伴い透析導入患者も確実に高齢化している.2005年度末の透析導入時平均年齢は66.2歳と66歳を超え,導入患者の約60 %は65歳以上の高齢者となっている.本邦ではもともと血液透析の選択比率が高く,腹膜透析 (CAPD) の選択率は3 %台であるが,とくに75 - 89歳の導入患者のCAPD選択率は2 %台といっそう低い傾向がある.CAPDはもともと循環動態への影響が少ない持続透析であり,そのために残存腎機能の維持に優れており,さらに心血管系への負担の少ない透析療法として高齢者に適した透析方法であった.またその生活の質 (QOL) や精神面への良好な影響から,高齢者へのCAPD療法は見直される傾向にあった.とくに2002年に設立されたゼニーレPD研究会の前向き研究から,その良好な成績も報告され,高齢者のCAPDも着実に増加しつつある.しかしCAPD療法には,入院時の医療経済上の不利な点や,介護上の問題点など課題も多く残されており,今後の高齢者CAPD療法のさらなる普及のためには制度上の見直しも早急に必要と考えられる.
Theme Present Status of Peritoneal Dialysis in Japan
Title Benefits of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) therapy for elderly patients
Author Hidetomo Nakamoto Department of General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University
Author Yuki Shimada Department of General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University
Author Hideki Kuniyoshi Department of General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University
Author Shunsuke Kinoshita Department of General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] The number of elderly patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is increasing in Japan. At the end of 2005, the average age of patients who were newly receiving dialysis was 66.2. The majority of these elderly ESRD patients began receiving hemodialysis (over 95 %). However, a small number of these patients received CAPD (less than 3 %). From 2002, an elderly CAPD study group (Society for Senile Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis) was established in Japan to investigate the CAPD conditions for elderly patients. According to the reports from this group, elderly patients have an excellent outcome even with multiple comorbid conditions. CAPD therapy has some advantages, especially for elderly ESRD patients, as compared to hemodialysis. For example, elderly patients with cardiovascular complications will have good prognoses because of minor effects on their homodynamic condition, including blood pressure, systemic volume, and perfusion pressure in coronary and renal arteries. In addition, it is well known that CAPD treatment has a protective effect on the decline of residual renal functions (RRF) and good effects on calorie intake from the CAPD solution.
CAPD is a treatment method that should be considered as the first choice in introducing dialysis therapy for elderly patients. Furthermore, to increase the number of elderly CAPD patients in Japan, it is desirable to establish a more secure back-up system to support elderly CAPD patients.