臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.12(3)

特集名 透析患者における循環器合併症ガイドラインを考える
題名 循環器合併が透析患者予後へ与える影響
発刊年月 2008年 11月
著者 井関 邦敏 琉球大学医学部附属病院血液浄化療法部
【 要旨 】 慢性透析患者の生命予後を規定する主因は循環器合併症である.糖尿病,高齢者が増加し,透析導入時すでに動脈硬化の著明な症例が増加している.腎疾患は,慢性腎臓病 (CKD) として腎障害の軽度の時点から透析患者に至るまで,一貫して管理,治療することが勧められている.透析患者では古典的,非古典的 (腎疾患関連) および透析関連の危険因子が複合している.単一の危険因子のみの治療では生命予後改善効果が弱い.高血圧は循環器疾患のもっとも強力な予後規定因子であるが,透析患者では透析前の血圧でみると広い範囲で死亡危険度に変動が認められない.高血圧患者ほど栄養状態が良好であり,透析前の血圧は患者の血圧を反映しない可能性が考えられる.
Theme Buildup of the Guidelines for Cardiovascular Complications of Chronic Dialysis Patients
Title Cardiovascular disease in chronic hemodialysis patients
Author Kunitoshi Iseki Dialysis Unit, University Hospital of the Ryukyus
[ Summary ] Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients. Recently, we have admitted more elderly patients and those with diabetes mellitus. Thus, they already have a significant degree of atherosclerosis at the start of HD. They may have multiple risk factors for CVD such as those which are conventional or non-conventional (CKD-related), or HD-related. At this time, there is no method to improve any single treatment for conditions such as anemia, or to produce LDL-cholesterol lowering, or to increase the efficiency or dose for HD. These studies may suggest the complexity of the pathophysiology of HD patients. Of the possible atherosclerosis related risk factors, hypertension is the strongest. However, the target levels pre-HD sessions remain to be developed. The risk of death is similar in patients with a wide range of pre-HD systolic blood pressure levels. It has been shown that patients with hypertension have better nutrition than those with normal or hypotensive levels. Thus, the prognosis is better for those with hypertension.