臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.11(2-2)

特集名 高齢透析患者への看護実践 -- 認定・指導看護師からの報告
題名 [ケース別にみた看護展開]高齢者の腎不全治療法選択時の看護
発刊年月 2008年 10月
著者 石川 弘子 取手協同病院腎センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 末期腎不全の腎代替療法には血液透析 (HD),腹膜透析 (PD)と腎移植の三つがある.腎代替療法の目的は,単なる延命だけでなく,患者のQOLの維持や向上にあり,高齢者の療法選択時には末期腎不全にあるという側面と,高齢者であるという側面の両面から患者を捉え「患者がその人らしく生きるために」を念頭に援助していく.
Theme Nursing Practices for Elderly Dialysis Patients -- Report from Expert Nurses
Title [Case report] Nursing care and selection of suitable dialysis modalities for elderly uremic patients
Author Hiroko Ishikawa Department of Nursing, Toride Kyodo General Hospital
[ Summary ] For uremic patients, renal replacement therapies, including hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation are generally introduced to ameliorate uremic conditions and to extend patients' survival. These therapies may be insufficient or somewhat inappropriate for patients of advanced age. Improvements in patient quality of life (QOL) or simple relief from pain and suffering are deemed more important in cases associated with dementia. Before making a clinical decision on dialysis modalities, it is also essential for the medical staff to recognize the social status of patients and their families, along with their desires. Available support systems should be utilized as far as possible, to provide satisfactory medical assistance. These issues concerning nursing care are reviewed and discussed in relation to a case of an 87-year-old patient who initially rejected, but finally accepted peritoneal dialysis therapy.