臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.10(5-4)

特集名 維持透析患者の心の動き -- 「うつ」を中心に
題名 透析患者の心をどう捉え,どう支えるか (4) 臨床心理士の立場から
発刊年月 2008年 09月
著者 菊池 浩光 LSIこころの相談室・臨床心理士
【 要旨 】 うつ傾向が認められる患者に心理療法を行う場合,重症度や緊急度を見極めることや,うつが身体的原因からきていないかどうかを把握して対応することはきわめて大切である.臨床心理士がうつの患者を支援する場合の特徴の一つは「共感的に話を聴く姿勢」である.だれにもわかってもらえないような具合の悪さを十分に聴いてもらうことで,安心がもたらされる.二つ目は,「死と再生のプロセスを同伴する姿勢」である.うつの透析患者は,自分の生活や人生の連続性が脅かされる苦しみを抱えていることが多く,過去の生活を断念し新しい生き方を見出していく歩みに同伴していくことで,死と再生のプロセスが安全に進行し,人間的な成長にも結びつく.
Theme Maintenance Dialysis Patients -- Their Fluctnating Minds with Special References to “Depression”
Title Psychotheraputic support for dialysis patients
Author Hiromitsu Kikuchi Clinical Psychotherapist, LSI Counseling Room
[ Summary ] Recognizing the severity and urgency of a patient's condition as well as determining whether the cause of depression is physically related or not is extremely important when providing psychotherapy to a patient with depressive tendencies. Listening empathetically to what the patient has to say, is one attitude by which therapists provide support for patients experiencing depression. A sense of security on the part of the patient is brought about by the psychotherapist carefully listening to the patients describe conditions they thought no one would understand. A second attitude of treatment is that of “accompanying patients the process of death and rebirth.” Many dialysis patients suffer with depression, due to fears that the continuance of their life or life style are being threatened. By accompanying them as they abandon their previous life style and discover a new way of living, the process of “death and rebirth” develops a sense of security leading to their personal growth.