臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.10(2)

特集名 維持透析患者の心の動き -- 「うつ」を中心に
題名 うつ傾向,うつ病性障害並びに周辺疾患の診断と治療
発刊年月 2008年 09月
著者 鷲塚 伸介 信州大学健康安全センター
著者 天野 直二 信州大学医学部精神医学講座
【 要旨 】 うつ状態を伴う透析患者は決して少なくないが,さまざまな心理社会的不安を背景に訴えが多彩となりうつ症状が目立たない場合や,易疲労感や集中力低下などのうつ症状が透析から生じるものと判断されてうつが見逃される危険もある.大うつ病エピソードの診断には「抑うつ気分」と「喜びの喪失」の二大うつ症状の有無に注意すべきであるが,うつ状態と躁状態を繰り返す双極性障害を大うつ病性障害と見誤ることのないよう,病歴の聴取も慎重に行う必要がある.うつの早期発見のためには,患者の言動の些細な変化に注意することが重要であり,患者自身も自覚する症状を手がかりにすると無理なく精神科治療に繋がることが多いと思われる.
Theme Maintenance Dialysis Patients -- Their Fluctnating Minds with Special References to “Depression”
Title Diagnosis and treatment of depressive tendencies, and depression-related disorders
Author Shinsuke Washizuka Center for Health, Safety and Environmental Management, Shinshu University
Author Naoji Amano Department of Psychiatry, Shinshu University
[ Summary ] In this review, problems surrounding diagnosis and treatment of major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and senile depression in patients being maintained on dialysis are discussed. Although depressive disorders are the most common psychopathological condition in dialysis patients, they are still under-recognized and misdiagnosed. Diagnosis of mental disorders can be undertaken using a diagnostic criterion. However when applied to dialysis populations, screening tools such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), are sensitive to criterion contamination, in that they include somatic elements, which overlap with the symptoms of physical illnesses. Dialysis patients score highly in relation to these criteria. Two severe symptoms, depressed mood and loss of interest, are strongly associated with major depressive disorder (DSM-IV) in patients with chronic illness. Differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder, differentiating it from other related disorders, including major depressive disorder, is critical in selecting appropriate pharmacological treatment. Correct diagnosis is associated with better prognosis. Paying attention to slight changes in what patients are saying and doing is helpful in the early detection of depressive states.