臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.1(4)

特集名 腎性貧血マネジメント
題名 貧血治療の目標
発刊年月 2008年 01月
著者 鶴屋 和彦 九州大学大学院包括的腎不全治療学
著者 平方 秀樹 福岡赤十字病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 遺伝子組換えヒトエリスロポエチン (rHuEPO) による腎性貧血治療は,quality of life (QOL) 向上や生命予後の改善に寄与するとともに,腎不全の病態における貧血の影響を明らかにした.近年,貧血,腎不全,心不全の間に悪循環が存在すること (心腎貧血症候群) が指摘され,その悪循環を絶つために積極的な貧血治療が推奨されているが,一方で,目標ヘモグロビン (Hb) 値 (とくに上限値) に関しては未だに結論が出ず,議論されている.昨年発表された二つの大規模多施設無作為化比較対照試験 (CREATE試験とCHOIR試験) で,Hb値正常化による心血管系イベントの減少効果がみられなかったことが報告され,目標Hb値について結論が出たようにも思えるが,解析法に対する批判もあり,まだ議論は終息していない.さらなるエビデンスの蓄積が待たれる.
Theme Evolution in Management of Renal Anemia
Title Target hemoglobin levels in renal anemia patients
Author Kazuhiko Tsuruya Department of Integrated Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Hideki Hirakata Department of Nephrology, Fukuoka Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Treatment of renal anemia with recombinant human erythropoietin has contributed not only to improvements in quality of life (QOL) and mortality in patients with renal anemia, but also to elucidation of the pathophysiological role of anemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Recently, it has been suggested that anemia, CKD, and congestive heart failure create a vicious circle, which is known, as “Cardio Renal Anemia (CPA) Syndrome”. Active treatment of anemia is now recommended in CKD patients to terminate this circle. On the other hand, two large scale randomized controlled trials, the CREATE (cardiovascular risk reduction by early anemia treatment with epoetin beta) study and the CHOIR (correction of hemoglobin and outcomes in renal insufficiency) study, reported last year that benefits in lowering risk of cardiovascular event were not apparent when hemoglobin levels were targeted at high (normal levels) than at low (sub-normal levels) in CKD patients, although QOL scores were significantly higher in the high-Hb group in the CREATE study. While it is thought that the problem concerning the upper limits of target hemoglobin levels has been resolved, there seems to be controversy because some parts of the analytical methods in these trials have been criticized. Further evidence is required to resolve this argument.