臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.9(7)

特集名 在宅血液透析療法の現況と展望
題名 遠隔医療在宅支援システム
発刊年月 2007年 08月
著者 中元 秀友 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
著者 木下 俊介 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
著者 山口 雅子 埼玉医科大学総合診療内科
【 要旨 】 在宅血液透析における血圧や貧血,さらに全身状態に対する有効性はよく知られている.またその自由度の高さから患者の生活の質 (QOL) への影響もきわめて良好である.しかし,その普及を妨げる要因として患者や家族への負担,とくに緊急時の対応体制の不備があげられる.これまでわれわれは,情報技術 (information technology ; IT) を用いることで,在宅透析患者の監視支援システムの構築を行ってきた.
現在われわれが開発を進めている,ブロードバンドを用いた患者ならびに透析装置の持続監視システムを利用することで,在宅血液透析患者の大きな利益となる.また自動警告システムを用いれば,患者の緊急時対応がスムーズに行えるようになる.このようなシステムの構築は,これまでの医療形態を大きく変化させる可能性がある.これからのITを用いた遠隔医療は,ハンディキャップをもつ透析患者や,高齢者にとっての大きな利益となる.現在のSECOMやALSOKなどの業者によるhome securityがさらに進化し,個々の人間を監視し守っていくpersonal securityがこれからの医療形態となっていくものと考えている.これらのIT技術の進歩には費用がかかるため,国家が医療費を負担しなければさらなる普及は困難である.しかし,IT技術を導入することが最終的には大きな医療費総額の削減につながるものと確信している.
Theme The Status Quo and the View of Home Hemodialysis
Title Home hemodialysis monitoring system employing information technology
Author Hidetomo Nakamoto Department of General Medicine, Saitama Medical University
Author Shunsuke Kinoshita Department of General Medicine, Saitama Medical University
Author Masako Yamaguchi Department of General Medicine, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] The progress in information technology (IT) has produced great improvements in many fields, including the manufacturing industry, communication technology, network businesses the role of IT in the medical field is increasing as well as in business fields. The numbers of computer assisted medical procedures has increased in several fields. They are widely used in nephrology and dialysis, due to particular characteristics of this population such as number, complexity, follow-up time and economic cost. The rapid development of information and telecommunication technology over recent decades has led to the application of these techniques in various medical fields.
Various kinds of telemedicine systems have been developed to monitor CAPD patients at home. These systems have great advantages for elderly or handicapped patients, because of decreases in the number of times they visit outpatient clinics. In addition, the data on these patients can be monitored at home in a real time. The advances in these telemedicine systems for CAPD patients are reported.
Home hemodialysis is an important dialysis mode. In spite of the good effects on general patient condition including blood pressure, excess hydration, anemia and quality of life (QOL), a very small number of people are undergoing home hemodialysis in Japan. One reason few people receive on going home hemodialysis in Japan is lack of backup systems for these patients in their homes. Home hemodialysis monitoring systems are being developed which use broadband IT systems. These systems have great advantages for ESRD patients receiving in home hemodialysis because they may be monitored. The data from these patient may be observed in a real time and they can be contacted if any difficulties arise.