臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.9(1)

特集名 在宅血液透析療法の現況と展望
題名 在宅血液透析の現況 (国内,海外)
発刊年月 2007年 08月
著者 斎藤 明 東海大学医学部腎・代謝内科
【 要旨 】 在宅血液透析患者は,国際的に見て透析センターが十分に分布していなかった1980年代から1990年代初頭にかけて高い比率を示したが,透析の普及につれて漸減した.しかし近年,世界における透析患者数の著しい増加による透析医療費の高騰により,また,患者のQOL向上への意欲の高まりなどにより再び在宅血液透析が注目されている.従来の病院用透析装置を用いた在宅血液透析とともに,安全で簡便な在宅血液透析専用機,短時間頻回透析専用機なども登場している.患者教育プログラム,管理システムなども充実しており,患者のQOLや生命予後についても良好な結果が出されている.透析施設における積極的な対応により,今後の発展が大きく期待される.
Theme The Status Quo and the View of Home Hemodialysis
Title Home hemodialysis in Japan and world wide
Author Akira Saito Division of Nephrology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The prevalence of home hemodialysis was higher from 1980 to the beginning of 1990 because of the lower distribution of hemodialysis centers at that time in this decade. As the number of dialysis centers increased, the prevalence of home hemodialysis patients gradually decreased world wide. Recently, however, home hemodialysis is being paid attention again, because the elevated number of dialysis patients has increased the treatment cost totals for the dialysis patients population. On the other hand, dialysis patients' desire to improve their quality of life has increased. Home hemodialysis patient numbers have gradually increased, as well as the number of patients being treated with conventional dialysis machines by clinic / hospital staffs. However, with new home hemodialysis-dedicated machines, patients may perform hemodialysis by themselves safely and conveniently. As better clinical results and prognoses are obtained for long-term home hemodialysis treatment, sophisticated educational programs and management systems, will be employed. It is expected that the number of home hemodialysis patients will increase in the near future if dialysis facilities promote home hemodialysis programs.