臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.8(9-2)

特集名 高齢社会における透析医療 -- 現況と課題
題名 高齢維持透析患者および家族に対する支援 (2) MSWの立場から
発刊年月 2007年 07月
著者 白石 純子 横浜第一病院・MSW
【 要旨 】 高齢維持透析患者が急増しているなかで透析スタッフは,透析医療を提供するに終わらず,「維持透析の継続」と「老いとどう向き合うか」という課題を突きつけられている.また家族は,介護保険やほかの社会資源を活用しつつも,要介護高齢患者の通院や日常生活の介護問題などを抱え,深刻な状況にある.このようなもとで透析スタッフは,(1) 高齢患者の老いや生・死に関する自己決定や家族とのやりとりができるコミュニケーション力 (面接力),(2) 院内の各スタッフの専門性に裏打ちされたチームワーク,(3) 地域の関係機関や他職種との連携 (ネットワーク) で,対応する必要がある.
Theme Dialysis Therapy in Aging Society -- Current Status and Involved Problems
Title Support of elderly continuous dialysis clients and their families -- view point of medical social workers
Author Junko Shiraishi Yokohama Daiichi Hospital / Medical Social Worker
[ Summary ] In recent years, the number of elderly continuous dialysis clients has been increased rapidly. Dialysis staff members are faced with providing elderly continuous dialysis clients with care in an ongoing basis, as well as supplying other medical needs. The families of clients also have problems in finding transportation to hospitals and clinics. They must also provide daily care by using public insurance for the elderly and other social welfare resources.
Dialysis staff of members are required to have the following skills ;
1. Ability to communicate, to exchange information about aging and, life or death situations with elderly continuous dialysis clients and their families.
2. Keeping the good coordination between co-medical staff members in hospitals and clinics.
3. Making the network of other organizations and institutions, as well as related staff members in the area.