臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.8(4)

特集名 高齢社会における透析医療 -- 現況と課題
題名 高齢者の腎不全と透析導入の可否
発刊年月 2007年 07月
著者 伊藤 晃 増子記念病院内科
著者 加藤 ふみ 増子記念病院内科
著者 森弘 卓延 増子記念病院内科
著者 近藤 千華 増子記念病院内科
著者 篠田 美穂 増子記念病院内科
著者 植木 常雄 増子記念病院泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 「透析非導入」は「終末期医療の延命処置」に関する一部で,今日的テーマである.概念として定着し,合意へ向けての議論が進めば,非導入症例は数を増すであろう.従来,末期癌・意識障害・認知症など,症例ごとに賢明なる対処は行われてきた.しかし今,ガイドラインの必要性が叫ばれている.実際本邦では,本人による「自己決定」より,「家族の同意」例が多い.精神風土の問題がある.高齢者では,その検討に際し「人権」の重みもさることながら「歴史を刻んだ」分,「尊厳」なる一言を意識して対処すべきである.
Theme Dialysis Therapy in Aging Society -- Current Status and Involved Problems
Title The decision to withhold dialysis in elderly patients with renal failure
Author Akira Ito Department of Internal Medicine, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Fumi Kato Department of Internal Medicine, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Takunobu Morihiro Department of Internal Medicine, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Chika Kondo Department of Internal Medicine, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Miho Shinoda Department of Internal Medicine, Masuko Memorial Hospital
Author Tsuneo Ueki Department of Urology, Masuko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] Non-introduction of dialysis is one method for life sustenance in terminal care, and currently an important issue. The number of cases in which dialysis is not introduced will increase as the approach becomes recognized and is discussed further to reach an agreement in society. Regarding terminal care, up to now, prudent measures have been taken to deal with specific cases (terminal cancer, consciousness disturbance, dementia etc). But considering the current medical context, the need to establish guidelines on how to treat terminal patients is increasing. In Japan, the prevailing ideas mean that in many cases how to treat a patient is decided not by the patient's own will but by agreement between the patient's family and the medical staff. When establishing guidelines, especially in the case of elderly people, it is very important to keep the word “dignity” in mind to show respect for the patient's self-recognition of achievements and accomplishments in life as well as to emphasize human rights.