臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.8(1)

特集名 高齢社会における透析医療 -- 現況と課題
題名 日本社会の高齢化とこれに関わる医療費
発刊年月 2007年 07月
著者 大平 整爾 札幌北クリニック
【 要旨 】 日本社会の少子高齢化が,近年いっそう明らかとなってきている.少子 (人口威少) は医療資源を限定し,高齢化は医療支出を増大させる.したがって,医療現場に与える影響はきわめて大きい.透析医療は間違いなく高齢者医療の代表であり,近年の診療報酬改定は,これまでわが国が誇ってきた透析医療の質低下に及びつつあることを懸念せざるをえない.2008年度から実施される「後期高齢者医療制度」の発足が「医療の質の劣化」,「高齢者の病院からの追い出し」や「高齢者医療の不当な差し控え」につながらないような,慎重な施策が求められる.
Theme Dialysis Therapy in Aging Society -- Current Status and Involved Problems
Title Aging Japanese society and the related medical expense
Author Seiji Ohira Sapporo Kita Clinic
[ Summary ] The declining birthrate and aging population have become increasingly apparent in Japan. Fewer children limit economic resources and an aging society increases medical expenses. These two factors have a profound impact on medicine. Dialysis therapy is undoubtedly one of the representative fields for the elderly, and the biennial revision of medical expense reimbursement has brought dialysis medicine to a critical point, endangering the quality of dialysis medicine in this country.
There is a strong desire that the new reimbursement system for the elderly over 75 years of age, which is planned to start in April 2008, will not result in a decline of medical quality, exclusion of the elderly from hospitals or withholding or withdrawing of necessary therapy for the elderly. A well thought out strategy must be drafted for the efficient use of the limited medical resources.