臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.8(0-2)

特集名 高齢社会における透析医療 -- 現況と課題
題名 [序論]高齢者の捉え方
発刊年月 2007年 07月
著者 大平 整爾 札幌北クリニック
【 要旨 】 平均寿命が顕著に延長し,高年齢者が増加してきている.加齢効果の取り扱いには暦年齢・実年齢だけでは心身の機能把握に不十分であり,生物年齢が加味されなければならない.高齢者は一般的に,(1) 身体の衰えを感じる時期または感じさせる時期,(2) 日常生活の基本動作で介護を要する時期,に立脚して勘案される.過去10年ほどで高齢者のADLは約10 - 15年若返っているとの報告があり,一般的な社会認識である「高齢者は65歳以上」を再考しなければならない状況にある.諸事情を考慮すると,75歳以上者を高齢者と定めることが妥当であろうと考えられる.ただし,この線引きは定年制度・社会保障制度などに深く関わるものであり,弾力的な運用が求められよう.
Theme Dialysis Therapy in Aging Society -- Current Status and Involved Problems
Title Introduction : How to define the elderly
Author Seiji Ohira Sapporo Kita Clinic
[ Summary ] The average life span has markedly lengthened and consequently the so-called ‘elderly’ have been increasing in number. It is not possible to sufficiently judge the aging effect, including physical and mental functions by chronological age alone and biological age should also be considered.
Whether he / she is elderly or not is generally determined from the standpoint of (1) the stage when he / she feels physical weakness or makes others feel so, or (2) the stage when he / she needs help in basic daily activities. As there have been several reports in the past 10 years which have shown that the ADL of the elderly is about 10 - 15 years younger, the common societal belief that ‘the elderly’ are over 65 years of age needs to be reconsidered. Taking many factors into consideration, it would be more proper to define ‘the elderly’ as over 75 years of age. Age ranking however, is deeply related to the retirement system, the social security system, etc., and a more flexible applicaton of regulations for the elderly will be needed.