臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.5(6)

特集名 透析液清浄化技術の最前線
題名 水処理システムの基本と最近の傾向
発刊年月 2007年 05月
著者 佐藤 政範 永仁会病院診療技術部臨床工学科・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 透析治療において透析液清浄化の重要性が挙げられ,透析液管理基準の見直しも検討されている.透析液清浄化では透析液作製に用いる希釈水が重要で,さまざまな対策が試みられている.とくに,水処理装置の構造から活性炭濾過後の工程が問題で,塩素除去後の細菌・エンドトキシン (ET) 濃度上昇や,塩素除去不足による逆浸透 (RO) 膜損傷などからの水質低下も問題となる.細菌対策として,RO膜モジュール以後で,薬液や熱水の消毒も組み込まれ始めている.
Theme The Front of Dialysate Purification Technologies in Hemodialysis Therapy
Title Water treatment system recent trends
Author Masanori Sato Department of Clinical Engineering, Eijinkai Hospital
[ Summary ] Dialysate purification has been a major focus of dialysis treatment. Revision of control standards for dialysates is discussed. Dialysate purification depends on dilution water to prepare the dialysate. Various measures are being implimented for dialysate management. Problems lie in the process after the dialysate passes the activated carbon filter, due to the structure of water treatment systems. These problems include increases in bacteria and endotoxins (ET) after chloride removal, damaged RO membranes due to incomplete chloride removal, resulting in reduced water quality. In relation to anti-bacterial measures some manufacturers build sterilization units employing chemical solutions or hot water into the downstream process past the RO module.