臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.5(3)

特集名 透析液清浄化技術の最前線
題名 日本臨床工学技士会透析液清浄化ガイドライン
発刊年月 2007年 05月
著者 内野 順司 日本臨床工学技士会血液浄化関連標準化検討委員会WG2 (透析液関連)/みはま病院ME部・臨床工学技士
著者 川崎 忠行 日本臨床工学技士会/前田記念腎研究所茂原クリニック・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 透析液清浄化に関する国際基準案が検討されている.それに関して,臨床工学技士にも関連団体を通じ意見が求められている.そこで清浄化を,透析用水と透析液に関し化学物質の汚染および生物学的汚染がなく,安全に治療を行うことのできる装置の設計および管理方法と定義し,透析液清浄化ガイドラインを策定し提示した.ガイドラインは臨床と工学の専門職種としての立場から,透析医療の安全性の担保と最低限の遵守事項を基本とし,目的,定義,管理基準,実際,遵守と検証から構成されている.臨床の現場では,本ガイドラインを基本に,各施設で現場に適応したマニュアルを作成し活用することで,より安全な透析医療を提供していくことが肝要である.
Theme The Front of Dialysate Purification Technologies in Hemodialysis Therapy
Title Guidelines for dialysis fluid purification by Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
Author Junji Uchino Medical Engineering Section, Mihama Hospital / Journal of Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
Author Tadayuki Kawasaki Department of Clinical Engineering, Maeda Institute of Renal Research / Journal of Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists
[ Summary ] An examination of the international standard proposal concerning purification of dialysis fluids was carried out. In connection with this study, clinical engineering technologists were also asked for their opinions through related associations.
Purification was defined as the design and management of machines which do not produce contamination by chemical substances or microbial contamination. Product water and dialysis fluid, can be used for safe treatment. The guidelines for dialysis fluid purification have been decided on and have shown favorable results.
The guidelines consist of a purpose statement, a definition, criteria for control, clinical observations and verification, specifications for the security and safety of technicians doing a specialized kind of work delivering dialysis treatment. These guidelines were developed with relatively little field observation.
It is important to create an operations manual which is adapted for individual locations. Safer dialysis treatment at particular institutions may be provided by utilizing, information developed on the basis of guidelines, for each institution.