臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.4(7)

特集名 サイトカインと透析療法
題名 透析患者のC型肝炎とインターフェロン治療
発刊年月 2007年 04月
著者 菊地 勘 東京女子医科大学血液浄化療法科
著者 秋葉 隆 東京女子医科大学血液浄化療法科
【 要旨 】 わが国の慢性透析患者のC型肝炎ウイルス (HCV) 抗体陽性率は2003年で12.1 %,HCV新規感染率は2001年で2.2 % / 年と驚くべき高率である.透析患者はC型肝炎のハイリスクグループであるが,無治療で経過している例が多い.透析患者のHCV感染は長期予後に対する重要な決定因子の一つであり,透析患者のC型肝炎治療は重要である.本稿では,透析患者に対するIFN治療の必要性と,当科でのC型肝炎の治療指針と治療法を紹介する.今後,透析医療従事者と透析患者両者への啓発に努め,透析患者のC型肝炎治療を積極的に行う必要がある.
Theme Cytokines and Dialysis Treatment
Title Interferon therapy for HCV infected hemodialysis patients
Author Kan Kikuchi Department of Blood Purification, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Takashi Akiba Department of Blood Purification, Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] The prevalence of HCV infection in hemodialysis patients is 12.1 %, which is a very high rate of infection. HCV infection is a significant complication related to the outcome for hemodialysis patients. Therefore, treatment of HCV infection is important for hemodialysis patients.
The current treatment for HCV infection is based on a combination of ribavirin and peginterferon-α-2b or peginterferon-α-2a monotherapy to restore normal renal functions.
However, ribavirin is considered to be contraindicated for hemodialysis patients because renal dysfunction patients have side effects due to lower ribavirin clearance. Despite some studies regarding the use of interferon and ribavirin in hemodialysis patients, the appropriate dosage of interferon and ribavirin has not been well established for hemodialysis patients.
Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy and tolerance of ribavirin and peginterferon α-2b or peginterferon α-2a monotherapy for HCV-infected hemodialysis patients. As a result, careful monitoring and adaptation of dosage was achieved with adequate clinical management.
Interferon therapy for HCV-infected hemodialysis patients is recommended.