特集名 | 腎不全医療に携わる看護職の能力評価と継続教育 | |
題名 | 看護師の能力開発・評価への取り組み (3) 近江八幡市立総合医療センター | |
発刊年月 | 2007年 03月 | |
著者 | 井狩 美佐枝 | 近江八幡市立総合医療センター・看護師 |
著者 | 西川 久美子 | 近江八幡市立総合医療センター・看護師 |
著者 | 川南 明美 | 近江八幡市立総合医療センター・看護師 |
【 要旨 】 | 現任教育は,自己実現を目標にして,教育計画を作成している.腎臓センターでは,新規採用者の配属によリプリセプターを決め,チームで新規採用者を育てることを掲げプリセプターに過度の負担をかけないようにしている.また,集合研修に合わせ,特殊な透析では教育プログラムを組み,プリセプターと話し合い到達度を確認しながら勤務表に反映させ,そのなかで透析教育目標を達成させている.そのなかでのスタッフとの関わりとしては,看護長としてどうあるのか常に考え,ほめながらやる気を生み出せることが必要である.人材育成は,看護長の自己研鑽から始まる. |
Theme | Evaluation Ability of Nurses and Continuing Education for Nursing Involved in Renal Replacement Therapy | |
Title | Development and evaluation of nursing staff for patients with renal failure : Ohmihachiman Community Medical Center | |
Author | Misae Ikari | Department of Nursing, Kidney Center, Ohmihachiman Community Medical Center |
Author | Kumiko Nishikawa | Department of Nursing, Kidney Center, Ohmihachiman Community Medical Center |
Author | Akemi Kawaminami | Department of Nursing, Kidney Center, Ohmihachiman Community Medical Center |
[ Summary ] | The kidney center consists of 15 admission beds and 60 (maximum 80) beds in the hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatment room. The number of patients admitted and treated as outpatients who received dialysis was over 230 in our center. Our primary objective in the kidney center is total kidney care, realizing we must treat many kinds of complications concerning renal failure while providing professional renal treatment and nursing care. The goal of our educational program is as follows : 1. provide safety dialysis and nursing care. 2. prevent critical medical conditions. 3. devote ourselves to further education by attending medical meetings. 4. accept leadership roles to teach patients about renal failure. 5. learn emergencies techniques. Meetings with doctors and other staff members are held twice a week, to develop our skills and knowledge. To improve nursing care and skills, as well as to develop the staff's motivation, chief nurses must continue to play their vital roles. |