特集名 | 腎不全医療に携わる看護職の能力評価と継続教育 | |
題名 | 看護師に対する継続教育の課題 (4) 看護管理者に対する教育 | |
発刊年月 | 2007年 03月 | |
著者 | 内田 明子 | 聖隷佐倉市民病院・看護師 |
【 要旨 】 | 現在の腎不全看護管理者たちは,多くの変化に直面しつつ,多くの問題にタイムリーに対応しながら,安全で効率的な質の高い看護の確実な提供を保証していかなければならない.日本看護協会では看護管理者の認定を実施しており,この教育課程を踏まえて日本腎不全看護学会が期待する腎不全医療現場の看護管理者の課題を検討した.まずは,一つの看護単位を動かす責任者であるので,管理の基本 (ファーストレベル),第一線監督者としての知識・技術・態度の習得 (セカンドレベル) は当然必要となる.院内で起こる諸問題の透析室への影響を考え,透析室での取り組みができなければならない.次に,熟練した看護技術を必要とし専門性が高いとされている透析看護領域に従事する看護師たちは,当然専門性追究の意欲は高いと考える.透析室看護管理者は,その個人の欲求と病院や透析室のニーズとの調和をはかる支援のできる力が必要である.そして,すでに輩出されている透析療法指導看護師や,透析看護分野認定看護師などの優れた看護職者たちの活躍を促し,看護サービスやチーム活動の質を高めるために有効に活用できる度量を育てなければならない. |
Theme | Evaluation Ability of Nurses and Continuing Education for Nursing Involved in Renal Replacement Therapy | |
Title | The education of nursing managers | |
Author | Akiko Uchida | Department of Nursing, Seirei Sakura Citizen Hospital |
[ Summary ] | At this time certified nurse administrators are required to ensure the provision of nursing skills in a safe, efficient manner even though they face daily changes and many difficulties. The Japan Nursing Association, which authorizes the certified nurse administrator program, conducted studies to examine the educational system for these care givers who work in the field of renal failure treatment, as requested by the Japan Nephrology Nursing Academy. Since administrators are responsible for individual nursing units, he / she is required to be proficient in basic administration techniques (first level) as well as familiarize themselves with the knowledge, skills and behavior necessary (second level) to be front managers. The administrator must perform the proper measures for dealing with the problems which may occur in the hospital, keeping in mind their influence on the dialysis unit. Those skilled nurses who practice dialysis treatment, requiring expert nursing techniques and special skills are naturally highly motivated to be specialists in their field. The nursing manager of dialysis units is expected to have the ability to balance between the demands of staff nurses as well as the needs of the hospital and the dialysis unit. We must develop effective environments to promote the activities of qualified dialysis leading nurses, and certified experts in dialysis nurses as well as to improve the quality of nursing service and team operations. |